Autosexuality is a term used to describe a specific orientation where an individual is primarily attracted to themselves. This attraction can be romantic, sexual, or both. It is often related to one’s own self-image, personality, or physical appearance.

Who Can Be Autosexual?

Anyone who experiences significant attraction or desire towards themselves, rather than primarily towards other people, can identify as autosexual. This term is used to articulate a specific kind of attraction and is valid for individuals who find their self-image or personal qualities to be the main source of their sexual or romantic feelings.

Key Points:

  1. Self-Acceptance: Autosexual individuals may have a strong sense of self-love and self-acceptance, which can contribute to their experience of attraction.
  2. Varied Experiences: As with any sexual orientation, experiences of autosexuality can vary widely among individuals. Some may experience it exclusively, while others may experience it alongside other orientations.
  3. Expression: Autosexuality is about personal attraction and self-recognition. It can be expressed and understood in various ways, reflecting individual differences and experiences.

Autosexuality is part of the broader spectrum of sexual and romantic orientations, helping to highlight the diversity of human attraction and self-relationship.

Is there an Autosexual Flag?

The blue and grey Autosexual flag is another design used to represent autosexuality. This flag incorporates a colour scheme that highlights themes of self-attraction and self-recognition. Here’s a breakdown of the flag’s colours and their meanings:

The autosexual flag

Colours and Their Meanings

  1. Blue:
    • Symbolism: Represents self-love and introspection. Blue is often associated with calm, clarity, and depth of personal feelings, reflecting the emotional and reflective aspects of autosexuality.
  2. Grey:
    • Symbolism: Reflects neutrality and balance. Grey is used to signify the personal and internal nature of autosexual attraction, representing a subtle and nuanced connection to oneself.

Design and Use

  • The flag typically features a combination of these colours in horizontal or vertical stripes, but variations in design can exist.
  • It is used by individuals who identify as autosexual to express their unique orientation and to find solidarity within the broader LGBTQ+ community.

This flag is a symbol of self-recognition and personal pride, providing visibility for those who experience attraction primarily toward themselves.

Who coined the term autosexual?

The term is believed to have been first coined by the late sex therapist Bernard Apfelbaum in a 1989 paper. Apfelbaum used it to describe individuals who find it difficult to become sexually aroused by others.