Category: In The Know

Everything you ever wanted to know about the LGBT+ community. From flags to pronouns.

When is Pansexual Awareness Day in 2021?

The Pansexual Awareness Day, also known as Pan (Pansexual and Panromantic) Visibility Day is an…

When is Bisexual Awareness Month 2021?

Bisexual Awareness Month is the first of three major events celebrating the bisexual community. There…

When is Asexual Awareness week in 2020?

Asexual Awareness Week was first celebrated in 2010 and aims to bring awareness to asexual…

What colours are used in the Non-Binary Flag?

The Non-Binary flag was first introduced in 2014. It is one of the newest flags…

What is a straight ally?

Did you know that straight allies have their very own Pride flag? Of course, you…